
Q: Can I make more than one post at a time?
A: At the moment you can only have one post active on the platform at a time. We will soon launch a premium membership which will increase this limit.

Q: Can I increase the range of my search?
A: We will soon launch a premium membership which will increase this limitation.

Q: I can't access the site
A: You need to be logged in to access the site. If you are not logged in, you will be redirected to the login page. If you are logged in, but still can't access the site, please contact us. If you continue to have problems please try clearing your browser cache and cookies. You can also try using a different browser.

Q: I have not received the verification email
A: Please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please contact us. The email may take up to 5 minutes to arrive.

Q: I forgot my password
A: Please click here to reset your password.

Q: My account has been banned
A: If your account has been banned, it is because you have violated our terms and conditions or site rules. Please contact us for more information. We use multiple automated and manual moderation systems to ensure that the site is safe and enjoyable for everyone. Safety is our number one priority and we do not take violations lightly. We will not reverse bans, so please do not ask. You will no longer be able to access the site or use our services. Do not create a new account as this will be banned too.

Q: Information for law enforcement
A: If you are a law enforcement officer and would like to request information about a user, please contact us. We will not provide any information without a valid subpoena or court order.

Q: My post is showing as in review A: If your post is showing as in review, it is because it is being reviewed by our moderation team. We use multiple automated and manual moderation systems to ensure that the site is safe and enjoyable for everyone. Please be patient as it may take up to 24 hours for your post to be reviewed.

Q: My post has been removed A: If your post has been removed, it is because it has violated our terms and conditions or site rules. Please review our site rules before making another post. If you attempt to post the same content again, it will be automatically flagged for review and will be removed again. If you continue to post the same content, your account will be banned.

Q: I have a question that is not listed here
A: Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Q: I have a suggestion
A: Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.