Site Rules

No Under 18s
Zero tolerance on minors, age role play or suggestions or fantasies

We have a zero tolerance policy on content relating to or alluding to minors, children and persons not of legal age (18 years old). We report any and all violations of this to law enforcement authorities in the country your account is registered in. If you see or suspect this violation, please report it to us immediately using the 'report' button on each post (or the contact form).

This policy extends to role playing, fantasy posting or daddy/daughter, mother/son play or any other type of role playing involving minors. It is impossible to determine intent for this type of post and therefore any posts of this type will be taken at face value, removed and referred to child protection law enforcement authorities.

No Selling
Escorting, massage services or any other implication of exchange of goods or money are not allowed.

This website has a strict policy with regards to services of any kind, such as escorting or prostitution. This includes not only explicitly asking for money in your post, but also implying it, using coded language, or attempting to sell services in any way. Any attempt to circumvent the rules will result in an immediate ban. This website does not permit the offering of any form of services provided in exchange for goods or money or payment for personal time. Refer to the prohibited items page for a non-exhaustive list of content that is now allowed.

No Advertising
This is not the place to promote your OnlyFans, Snapchat or anything else.

Advertising merchandise, offers, subscriptions, jobs, social media accounts, or access to exclusive accounts is not permitted. Users who consistently attempt to promote such items may have their accounts suspended.

No Massage / Therapeutic Services
We will treat these as selling ads.

Content that advertises 'massages', 'therapeutic services', or similar services is not allowed. We cannot interpret the purpose of these ads.

No Harmful, Violent of Abusive Content
Our users do not consent.

Content that involves anything violent, aggressive, hurtful, or offensive to others or yourself is prohibited. We understand that some of you may be into this as a kink; however, many of our users are not, so please be mindful of that.

No Extreme BDSM Content
This is not the place for edge play.

Since this is not a dedicated BDSM community, it is important to be mindful when expressing kink-related content. Moderators will evaluate it from the perspective of someone not into kink, and any violent or forceful content will be rejected. For example, it is okay to say "I'm into BDSM, and I'm an experienced dominant," but it is not okay to say "I'm into BDSM, and I'm looking for a slave to degrade."

We can't determine safe intent from such statements, so they will be rejected. If you are found to be repeatedly violating these rules, you will be banned from the service. If you feel that you are being restricted in expressing yourself and your desires, then this is not be the right community for you, especially regarding extreme fetishes.

No Incest Content

Content related to actual or fantasy incest (inlcuding roleplay) is strictly prohibited and will be removed..

No Drugs
Just say no.

Do not refer to selling, taking or distributing drugs in this community. This including legal and illegal drugs.

No Animal Cruelty or Beastiality

No implied, actual or fantasy references to beastiality, cruelty to animals or sex with animals. Violations will be taken at face value and reported to local law enforcement.

No Animal Cruelty or Beastiality

No implied, actual or fantasy references to beastiality, cruelty to animals or sex with animals. Violations will be taken at face value and reported to local law enforcement.

No Personal Information in Posts

Do not attempt to circumvent the site matching and messaging system. Addresses and phone numbers should not be included in posts and will result in post removal. They are ok in email replies.

One Account Per User, Only Post an Ad Once

Do not register multiple accounts in order to circumvent posting limits. We will ban duplicate accounts.

No Posting About Other Users

We ask that you do not post warnings about bad actors or posts. This can be seen as personal defamation and we cannot verify this information. If you want to report a problem with a post or user, please contact us. If you keep doing this, your account may be terminated.

No Cat Fishing

Do not pretend to be a different age, gender or post pictures that are not your own (or do not represent your appearance).

About Role Playing

If you enjoy roleplaying, that is great. However, if any of your roleplaying incorporates activities or content that goes against the guidelines listed above, it will not be allowed. For example, roleplaying incestuous mother-son scenarios is not acceptable.

Keep Posts R Rated

Posts are visible to a wide audience of users. They should be kept R rated and not X rated in terms of both pictures and post content. If you want to exchange X rated content, please use the private messaging system.

Be Smart IRL

Remember that you are dealing with strangers on the internet. We hope that you meet great friends and have a good time with other users of this website, however we cannot vet all users and posts. You should assume that bad actors can and do use this site. We recommend that you meet in a public space, exercise extreme caution and remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always tell someone where you are, who you are meeting and arrange to check in during and after a real life date.

Please be aware of scams and anyone on this website asking for money or gifts. If you are asked for money or gifts, please report the user to us. Do not give out financial information or engage with any form of payment or gift exchange.